As a small business owner, you’re probably so busy running every area of your operation that you don’t always have time to answer the phone each time it rings. As a result, you have to rely on an answering machine to capture many of your incoming calls or handle those inevitable “after hours” customer inquiries.
However, the lack of a friendly, professional voice message greeting is a sure way to create a negative impression on your customers and prospects. Nothing changes a poor first impression, which is what your callers will have when greeted by a fuzzy answering machine or voicemail message. The best way to greet your callers—and create a stunning impression—is with a professional, pre-recorded voice message. That’s why we provide free recorded voicemail greetings with all our plans.
AccessDirect’s professional, pre-recorded voicemail greeting tells customers that you are a serious business—every time they call. We work with you to develop a customized script to welcome your callers, including instructions for them to use your new, customized phone menu (“Press 1 for Sales, Press 2 for Customer Service…”). Once written, our voice talent records your script, then uploads it to your Internet business phone system. In most cases, your phone greetings will be ready within one business day.
Choose From Many Different Professional Voice Greeting Options
You can have a male or female voice record your professional, pre-recorded voicemail greeting, and can easily add or remove employee names as your business grows. You can also include dial by name or dial by extension menus. Even a one-person business can now have 5 different departments. Your professional voicemail greeting will be ready to play in as little as 24 hours.
Our PBX phone system allows your callers to hear an initial outgoing greeting, choose an extension, and transfer directly to a staff member.
If you’re not comfortable with the way your phone voice sounds, you don’t have to record your own voicemail greetings. Our voicemail service will provide a professional voice message for your phone system that works best for your business, you just provide the script.
How Do I Get My Professionally Recorded Greeting?

We pride ourselves on making every step of the setting up and maintaining your phone system as easy as possible. Your system greetings are no exception. We’re the only virtual phone system provider to offer our customers professionally recorded greetings at no additional charge, and even offer to update your greetings as needed as long as you’re an active customer. Here’s how you can get your new phone greetings set up:
- Revise or replace one of our provided sample scripts with what you’d like your greeting to say.
- Choose to have your new greeting recorded by an AccessDirect recording artist.
- You’re done! Your new greeting will be recorded and live on your virtual phone system within 1 business day. It’s that easy!
Professional Voicemail Greeting Recording Included with all Solutions
Benefits of Choosing AccessDirect As Your Professional Voicemail Greetings Solution
When you choose AccessDirect’s professional voicemail recording service, you’ll benefit from:
- Professional voice message recordings at no cost
- A team that handles the entire set-up process for you
- Complete support before, during and after the sale
- Live telephone support based in the USA
- Quick resolutions to your issue while you’re on the line – we won’t make you wait on hold forever!
Call 877-599-6500 or contact us for more information about our service’s professional voicemail greetings.